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Interview news

A Talk with Bit n Mortar: The Bitcoin Interview TV Show

What do a barbecue joint in Los Angeles, a bakery in San Diego, and a ‘prepare for the zombie apocalypse’ store in Las Vegas have in common? Two things, really: They all accept Bitcoin and they have all been featured…

Interview news

A Talk with Safir Cu of Coinvoy: Developing the Next Generation of Bitcoin Businesses

In January of 2014 there were a number of articles claiming that this was to be the year of adoption. We are now in September, and it’s starting to look like that is just one of those predictions that didn’t…

Bitcoin Media Watch Opinion

PayPal Exec Unwittingly Makes the Case for Bitcoin

By Mark Norton: Editor @ Patrick Gauthier, General Manager of Emerging Retail Services at PayPal published an interesting article on yesterday. It was a good read, talking about the progress of technology and the sometimes unexpected turns it…


The Reason for Bitcoin: Creative Disruption in Hope of a Better World

By Mark Norton: Editor @ I recently had a discussion with one of the contributors to this site about the fact that I sometimes post economic content rather than focusing on the main goal of the site, promoting Bitcoin…

A Talk with Ageesen Sri of SecuraCoin

By Mark Norton: Editor @ One of the biggest pain points for people when they want to use Bitcoin is simply how to get them into their hands. The days of having to wire money overseas to exchanges run…

A Talk with Matt Branton of CoinLock

By Mark Norton: Editor @ 08/27/2014 There is always a lot of discussion about what Bitcoin’s ‘killer app’ is going to be and when it’s going to appear on the scene. For the last couple of years, it’s seemed…


Kinsta WordPress Hosting and Bitcoin

By Mark Norton: Editor @ 08/21/2014 One of the things we at Bitcoin Warrior love to do is to find businesses, on and off line, that take Bitcoin and talk with them about their experience. Of course, our basic…

Building Bridges in Washington: An Interview with the Chamber of Digital Commerce’s Perianne Boring

  By Mark Norton: Editor @ 8/11/2014 Perception is everything; and right now the perception of Bitcoin for the vast majority of people who have even heard of Bitcoin, it’s associated with drugs, scams, and ransom ware. As has…

Bitcoin brings hope to Africa: an interview with Alakanani Itireleng

  By Mark Norton: Editor @ 8/10/14 “Bitcoin is not political,” a growing number of people are saying as it grows in popular usage. Initially, Bitcoin found a home among the libertarian crowd because of its decentralized nature and…


Bitcoin for a Booming Retirement

  By Mark Norton 8/6/2014 A few days ago we posted an article describing the impending retirement crisis the US is facing as millions of boomers prepare to enter their golden years unprepared for the financial challenges that retirement brings….