The Role of Blockchain in the Cannabis Industry
Source Both blockchain and CBD are unfamiliar territories for most of us, but both of them are very much talked about in recent years. The legalization of cannabis as an agricultural crop has paved the way for CBD products such…
Factors Driving Mass Adoption of Crypto Derivatives During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The pandemic has changed things irrevocably. Not in the sense that countries are rethinking economic strategies, or in the painful loss of employment for many, but more fundamentally. People are looking at money and economies differently. With stimulus packages being…
How the gaming sector makes crypto regulations tougher
The online gambling industry is becoming more and more advanced with the development of new technologies. The number of online casinos increases rapidly and therefore, taking precautions when it comes to the safety of gamblers and in general, playing responsibly…
Why Invest in Bitcoin’s Customer Experience in 2020
Flexibility and the New e-commerce Consumer Long before Bitcoin, cash was king. With the dawn of credit cards spending behaviors surged, as the plastic held no intrinsic value, and provided extra time to pay. The caveat? Finance charges! Debit cards…
The role of cryptocurrency in iGaming
During the last year, the world of online gambling is adopting cryptocurrency rapidly. Why? There are many reasons for that. Cryptocurrency is a global phenomenon. Various industries are adopting it and they are seeing benefits from it. One of those…
You can still make money from Bitcoin mining, an explainer
Considering mining Bitcoin? There is much more to it than having a simple program for it, and we are here to explain everything. Bitcoin mining means using your computer’s computing power to run the verification process to validate different bitcoin…
5 Common Accidental Sources of Data Leaks
Image Source In cybersecurity and infosec, it’s common to assume that criminals are behind all data breaches and major security events. Bad actors are easy to blame for information leaks or account takeovers, because they’re the ones taking advantage of…
The Top Crypto Cannabis Coins Today: What You Need to Know
Source Both the CBD and cryptocurrency industries have had a wild ride in the past few years. They’ve risen to great heights and sunk to new lows only to recover again. Both industries have had to contend with their own…
The results are in – The United States of America sent the most money internationally in 2019, with over USD$69 billion being transferred around the world by citizens and businesses for purposes such as overseas investment, paying international workers or…
The success of the online gig economy has undoubtedly escalated since the beginning of the 21st century, with the digital age providing a platform for online businesses to take off and multiply significantly. If we have learnt anything from the…