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10 Questions You Might Be Afraid to Ask About Online Security

Photo by Collin Armstrong on Unsplash.

All scientific discoveries have been the product of questions, of men being curious about their surroundings. As business owners, we should never be afraid of asking questions because through that comes innovation. Sometimes, they also protect your business and your assets, especially when you have to make important decisions.

As the old Chinese proverb said, “He who asks a question remains a fool for 5 minutes. He who does not ask remains a fool forever.”

On the one hand, American engineer and statistician, W. Edward Demming, said that “If you do not know how to ask the right question, you discover nothing.” Hence, it is crucial not just to ask questions, but the right ones.

It is especially true when it comes to your online security. So if you don’t know where to start, here are some helpful questions to begin with.

1. What Is the Toughest Cybersecurity Threat Our Business Face?

Each industry faces a unique threat. For example, the healthcare industry is at constant risk of a data breach where cybercriminals steal health records and use them to buy medical equipment or create fake IDs. On the other hand, the manufacturing industry is in danger of having their technical trade secrets stolen.

By identifying what your toughest cybersecurity threat is, you know what to defend. Then, finding the methodology or strategy to protect yourself and your company from that risk comes much easier to find.

2. Should I Use a Two-Factor Authentication?

The answer to this question is always a yes no matter what industry you are in. Two-Factor authentication makes it more impossible for your emails and other types of accounts to get hacked. So make sure that you have this feature activated in your accounts on different platforms.

3. Do Our Employees Have Strong Passwords? Do They Change Them Regularly?

A strong password is unique and should be a combination of upper and lowercase letters, special symbols, and numbers. As to how often should you change it, it should be several times a year but not usually as frequent password changes can also lead to silly mistakes.

4. Do Our Employees Use Their Phones for Work Purposes?

It may be more expensive but providing your employees to use their mobile phones prevents them from accidentally sharing classified information.

5. Are Our Employees Trained to Recognize Phishing Emails?

Phishing is a form of cybercrime where hackers send emails pretending to be legitimate companies. These emails usually are embedded with emails that direct you to phishing sites. What they want is to obtain valuable information and threaten you if you don’t give in.

Your employees are your first line of defense; thus, it makes sense to train them how to spot phishing at first glance. When it comes to online transactions, there are platforms like Monetha which help you identify whether a person is legitimate or not. Thus, you can verify the identity on the platform first before opening the mail or clicking the link.

6. Have We Backed up Our Files?

That is a no-brainer but often overlooked most especially by small businesses. Don’t be too overconfident because once data is lost, it’s impossible to get it back.

7. What Firewall Are We Using? Is It Equipped with the Latest Technology for Threat Detection?

Firewalls protect your computers from Internet threats, such as Trojans and worms. Computers already have a built-in firewall, and all you need is to turn it on. Even mobile devices can be equipped with a firewall to protect your data against any malicious attacks.

8. Do We Have Any Recovery Plan? When Was the Last Time It Was Reviewed and Updated?

A discovery plan often includes an assessment of your business practices and needs. According to a report, 55 percent of SMEs (small to medium enterprises) are at risk of cyber attack yet more than 75 percent of companies don’t have a recovery plan in case that happens.

In case you already have one, make sure that you regularly review and update it. It also helps if you have an emergency team that will handle such events in case they happen.

9. Is Our Network Vulnerable to Third-Party Applications We Host?

Nowadays, third-party apps are an essential part of the digital ecosystem. However, a lot of them have vulnerabilities that can be easily exploited. Make sure that your network is safe and secure by placing security features against attacks.

10. What Do I Need to Ensure Online Security in the Future Further?

Technology is evolving, and so are the cybercriminals. With every advancement in security, so do hackers and their tools. Make sure that you invest in the security of your company and be in the know what’s the latest and most effective. By being a step ahead against the bad guys, you can protect yourself.