
News and Education

how to buy bitcoin

A Talk with Ageesen Sri of SecuraCoin

By Mark Norton: Editor @ One of the biggest pain points for people when they want to use Bitcoin is simply how to get them into their hands. The days of having to wire money overseas to exchanges run…


A BitCoin for Beginners Guide – Part One

The best way to learn about bitcoin is to jump in and get a few in your “pocket” to get a feel for how they work. Despite the hype about how difficult and dangerous it can be, getting bitcoins is…


eBay BitCoin Selling: Fail; eBay Bitcoin Buying: Qualified Fail

An Investigative Report: Selling and Buying Bitcoin on eBay. If one does a search on eBay for bitcoin, you’ll find hundreds of listings for coins.  They come in a variety of different formats — instant to your wallet, paper wallet,…