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Bitcoin Media Watch

Bitcoin Media Watch Opinion

In the Wake of the WannaCry Attack, News Sites Almost Get Bitcoin Right

In the wake of the WannaCry ransomware attack, it’s instructive to note that although mentioned, Bitcoin is not typically being blamed or associated with the attack. Rather, it is rightly being described as a payment method the hackers are demanding….

How Bitcoin is Enabling the Mainstream Press to Attack It

This morning another hit-piece on Bitcoin was published by Jason Bloomberg on Forbes. His argument essentially boils down to the current debate about how to scale Bitcoin up and the possibility of a hard fork to Bitcoin Classic, raising the…

Gun Rights, Free Speech, and Bitcoin

For years I’ve been watching the slow and steady acceleration of mass shootings happening across the country. From Columbine, to San Ysidro, to Killeen, to Virginia Tech, to Newtown, to … the list is nearly endless. After each one of…

Tamir Rice and Ethan Couch: A Study in Injustice and the Case for Bitcoin

There is no society in the history of the world that has gotten social and economic justice right. Really, how could there be? Invariably some people are going to get better treatment and a more than their share of the…

On the Real Identity of Satoshi Nakamoto

With the recent articles coming out of Gizmodo and Wired targeting yet another individual as the ‘real’ Satoshi Nakamoto, which were rapidly also debunked, a few things are becoming apparent: Satoshi Nakamoto does not want to be found. If he…

Bitcoin Media Watch Opinion

From Decentralized Trustless Money to Decentralized Trustless Government

A lot of Bitcoin new sites try to cover only what they see as the core business of cryptocurrencies. There’s a lot to be said for that kind of reporting as there is real movement in the space the deserves…

Here we go again – Bitcoin is not a prime funding source for terrorists

On Friday, Jeff Barnd of the Sinclair Broadcast Group wrote what amounts to nothing more than a click-bait hit-piece on Bitcoin entitled “Experts: Bitcoin is prime cash for terrorists.” So, who are the experts that Barnd goes to get the…

Bitcoin Media Watch news Opinion

Bitcoin for Terrorists – Another Red Herring

On September 11, 2011 I returned late from work. I threw together a quick dinner, opened a beer, and turned on the TV. I lived in Japan, as I still do, so nighttime for me was morning for New York….

Weighing the Block Size Debate

Over the last month, there has been a lot of debate kicked up by proposals of Bitcoin luminaries Gavin Andresen and Mike Hearn to raise the block size limit in an effort to expand Bitcoin’s ability to scale. There are…

Bitcoin Media Watch

Conflicting Interests May Drag Bitcoin Down

Bitcoin, a peer-to peer online payment system that was conceived in 2008, has experienced considerable growth in popularity and has increasingly been adopted as a viable payment scheme in mainstream electronic commerce. However, according to researchers, the decentralized and quasi-anonymous…