
News and Education

Month: July 2013

Bitcoin Primer: Bitcoin as Money

As Bitcoin begins to grow, there are going to be more and more experts coming out to talk about how Bitcoin is not real money, how it is not based on anything real. Of course, for those who have already…

Profiles in Bitcoin: Money 2.0

This is the second part of a series profiling businesses that use bitcoin. As we called around for this project, one of the things that struck us was not that people were using bitcoin because of political agendas, but rather…


Max Keiser’s BTC-Dollar Peg and the Coming Crash

Bitcoin should be pegged to the dollar. The advantages are numerous, opines Max Keiser in this article on the Huffington Post. He likens a BTC peg to the dollar to the Chinese pegging of the Yuan to the dollar at…


Bitcoin’s Babysitter Dilemma and the Domino Effect

Paul Krugman in 1998 wrote an article on the Capitol Hill Babysitting Co-op.  Pascal-Emmanuel Gorby summarized Krugman’s point  in this article in Forbes: The story of the baby-sitting co-op is that a bunch of people agree to baby-sit for one another,…


Who Uses Bitcoin? Profiles in the Money 2.0 Economy

When I got into bitcoin just a few months ago, one of the many questions that I needed to answer was, just who are these people? At the same time, I wanted to know more about how people are making…


Why Bitcoin? Isn’t That Risky?

I am relatively new to bitcoin and since I’ve started this blog, I have started talking with the my friends about it. The reaction I get is fairly predictable.  If they have even heard of it, I get blank stares…

Guest Post

Just the Facts: Bitcoin Data on Quandl

  Crypto-currencies in general and bitcoin in particular are rapidly becoming a subject that economists are starting to give serious thought to.  Quandl provides a powerful new platform to enable this research. Human history is economic history, and economic history is…