
News and Education

why do we need bitcoin

Gun Rights, Free Speech, and Bitcoin

For years I’ve been watching the slow and steady acceleration of mass shootings happening across the country. From Columbine, to San Ysidro, to Killeen, to Virginia Tech, to Newtown, to … the list is nearly endless. After each one of…

Tamir Rice and Ethan Couch: A Study in Injustice and the Case for Bitcoin

There is no society in the history of the world that has gotten social and economic justice right. Really, how could there be? Invariably some people are going to get better treatment and a more than their share of the…


The Reason for Bitcoin: Creative Disruption in Hope of a Better World

By Mark Norton: Editor @ I recently had a discussion with one of the contributors to this site about the fact that I sometimes post economic content rather than focusing on the main goal of the site, promoting Bitcoin…