
News and Education

Bitcoin Media Watch

New Jersey May Double Tax Bitcoin Sales

In New Jersey, if you accept bitcoin as a retailer, you must collect sales tax — twice. That’s the word from the New Jersey Division of Taxation, which has issued a technical advisory memorandum spelling out the tax implications of…

Bitcoin Media Watch

Why Forbes’ Tim Worstall is Wrong about Bitcoin

Bitcoin’s death knell has rung out many times by now, and its naysayers are still in force. A reader perusing the many articles attacking or mocking Bitcoin point out the tremendous problems Bitcoin has a currency, as a store of…

Bitcoin Media Watch news

AG Holder Ends (Some) Asset Seizures

This just in from Ars Technica: Attorney General Eric Holder has announced that the Department of Justice would be stopping a local and police from participating in a program called ‘Equitable Sharing’ in which the police departments would be able…

Bitcoin Media Watch

Journal Gazette Gets it Wrong on Bitcoin

Fort Wayne’s Journal Gazette shows us once again how deficient our current Fourth Estate is. Journalists, whether they be on TV or writing in magazines or newspapers are reasonably expected to know something about what they are reporting on, or…

Bitcoin Media Watch news

Zeenews: Bitcoin Tanks by 5 Billion

“(T)he halo around bitcoins and other virtual currencies appear to be fading and their combined market value has dipped to USD 6 billion from over USD 11 billion a year ago.” This is the opening shot in a Bitcoin hit…

Bitcoin Media Watch news

The Erosion of the Middle Class – Time for Plan Bitcoin

Today, the Republicans, the party of the plutocrats, took control of the Senate away from the Democrats, the party of the plutocrats-lite. All through this election cycle, I was getting emails from both sides of the political spectrum, from the…

Bitcoin Media Watch news

WSJ Reports on the Megatrend of Decentralization

In May, 1787, delegates from the 13 states began arriving in Philadelphia to fix the Articles of Confederation, which had proven too weak to allow the national government to operate effectively. After the War for Independence, the states were all…

Bitcoin Media Watch news

The Motley Fool Slams Bitcoin: A Response

It is always nice to see Bitcoin getting coverage in the mainstream press, especially when you keep in mind the old adage that there’s no such thing as bad press. To be sure, when people read reports of Bitcoin being…

Bitcoin Media Watch Opinion

PayPal Exec Unwittingly Makes the Case for Bitcoin

By Mark Norton: Editor @ Patrick Gauthier, General Manager of Emerging Retail Services at PayPal published an interesting article on yesterday. It was a good read, talking about the progress of technology and the sometimes unexpected turns it…

Bitcoin Media Watch

Coined: A Documentary about Cryptocurrencies is Fundraising on Kickstarter

  Money is changing. With the launch of Bitcoin in 2009, traditional notions of currency changed forever, expanding to include a digital, community-driven monetary system known as cryptocurrency. Since Bitcoin’s inception, new cryptocurrencies such as Dogecoin are created each month…