Bitcoin: The Symptom is the Cure
When Nick Hanauer took to the pages of Politico to talk to his fellow 1%ers, judging by the response he got in some parts of the media, he may have taken the wrong tone. Rather than talk calmly and…
How to Keep My Bitcoins Safe – An Open Letter to New Bitcoiners
After months of hearing about Bitcoin, you’ve finally taken the plunge and gotten yourself a Bitcoin or two. Welcome to the club! From my perspective, Bitcoin is a bet on the future in troubled times. There are a lot…
State Senator Branden Petersen Starts Non-Profit to Promote Bitcoin
A recent post on Reddit talked about the experience of one redditor who lost his wallet while travelling in Seattle. Fortunately for him, he didn’t have to throw himself on the mercy of his friends there, but just by…
The History of Mining and an Interview with Nanok Bie, CMO of KnCMiner
In Roman Britain circa 100 CE, miners take a final look at a damn holding back the water that had been laboriously collected for months via aqueduct. In a few minutes, that damn will be opened and the ensuing…
CryptoConnecta: Crypto Social Networking for a Crypto Community
Right now, looking around the Bitcoin space, it feels a little like early morning on the day of the school fair. Everyone involved in the fair is out and about doing what they need to be doing – some are…
Coined: A Documentary about Cryptocurrencies is Fundraising on Kickstarter
Money is changing. With the launch of Bitcoin in 2009, traditional notions of currency changed forever, expanding to include a digital, community-driven monetary system known as cryptocurrency. Since Bitcoin’s inception, new cryptocurrencies such as Dogecoin are created each month…
KLIPPT: Bitcoin/Colored Coin IPOs Get Started with a Hair Cut
There is a little bit of a feeling of ‘hurry up and wait’ about Bitcoin. On the one hand, it’s a revolutionary technology with huge potential as a currency, an asset, and as a decentralized method to do all…
Moyers: Why Haven’t Big Bankers Been Prosecuted for Creating Housing Crisis that Led to the Great Recession? (Video)
One might well wonder how crimes on the scale of the big banks’ – which precipitated the crisis in the housing market leading to what is popularly referred to as the great recession – can go unpunished. Sure there have been a handful of fines…
Bill Moyers Essay: Wall Street’s Secret Weapon: Congress
Why haven’t any big bankers been prosecuted for their role in the housing crisis that led to the Great Recession? These finance executives took part in “scandals that violate the most basic ethical norms,” as the head of the IMF Christine Lagarde…
Bitcoin: Currency or commodity?
By Abe Cofnas June 16, 2014 • Reprints Last fall we saw bitcoin receive an unusual amount of attention. The upstart crypto currency had an exponential rise from $125 to more than $1,125 per unit on Bitstamp, only to fall back below $500 this spring…