
News and Education

Month: May 2014

Bitcoin Schism

Centralisation versus distributed anonymity The centralisers can be shut down by central bankers and subject to hacking a la Mt Gox. They are also in a better position to manipulate markets. The distributed network model has yet to be tested…

“Commodity” is the Right Way to Pitch Bitcoin

A persistent meme amongst bitcoiners is the rollercoaster. There is nothing like holding a stash of bitcoins and watching the price to make you hold on for dear life (HODL – the cry of many a bitcoiner) or want to…

Drugs, Scams, and Terrorism: Bringing Balance to Bitcoin Reporting

In recent days there have been a slew of articles published reporting how the Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office has listed Bitcoin as one threat area that they are seeking submissions to research in preparation for future possible terrorist attacks….