
News and Education

Fighting for Facts in the Media – The Daily Signal Vs. NPR

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There was never really any mystery about how the new Trump administration was going to handle how it treats the press, or in how it tells its side of things to the American people. From day one, Trump has run a fact-free campaign. It’s not that he doesn’t sometimes have the facts on his side, it’s that he totally unconcerned about whether he does or doesn’t. Whatever the facts are, he simply doubles down on what he’s saying and smears people who disagree with him or dare to state the facts.

Therefore, the outrage this weekend over the Trump administration’s claim that massive numbers of people attended the inauguration could be instantly and from multiple sources, be contradicted was totally predictable. Nor was Sean Spicer’s attack on the press during the very first Trump administration press conference, in which he didn’t even take questions.

The most telling, though, was Kellyanne Conway’s comments on Meet the Press that Spicer, and by extension, the administration has given ‘alternative facts.’

Another term for an ‘alternative fact,’ of course, would be ‘lie.’

We’re going to be hearing a lot of ‘alternative facts,’ or lies, out of the administration, congress, and a plethora of news media in the next four years, and it will be even more crucial to keep their feet to the factual fire.

With this thought in mind, I was amused to find an article on the Daily Signal calling for the de-funding of NPR due to its liberal biased reporting. The article predominantly attacks NPR for reporting with what it calls a radical-liberal slant and for failing to get a conservative opinion on each of its pieces.

Because of my interest in producing this site, I read a lot of news from a variety of outlets. Left, right, or center, I will always choose the source that is basingit’s reporting, to the best of its ability, on facts.

Let’s see how the Daily Signal stacks up:

Of particular note, see the notation of how factual their reporting is at the bottom. They have a mixed relationship with the truth. What this means is, they have an ideological bias and will provide ‘alternate facts’ (lie) if the actual facts (truth) don’t line up with their narrative. Further, they are run by the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank which itself has a loose relationship with the truth.

Now let’s look at NPR:

They do indeed have a liberal bias according to this data, but as you can see, they seem generally to rein themselves in to the facts.

Radical conservatism, but radical) has co-opted the commonsense wisdom of the real conservatism and has been waging a 50-year war on the truth. The Trump administration has pushed this to a new level.

Rather than de-funding NPR, we should be making sure that we are holding all our news outlets to that one standard – the truth.

The fact of the matter is that we are going to be living in an ‘alternative fact’ environment for the foreseeable future.
Bitcoin, though, is a system of money that doesn’t rely on anyone’s interpretation of what the facts are. It is money based on an unchangeable ledger that is completely controlled by the individual who owns them. The dollar is at the mercy of the government, and the banks can always lock you away from your own funds. I side with verifiable facts, and verifiable money.